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 Leafs Prospect

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~Phil Kessel~

~Phil Kessel~

Messages : 95
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2012

Leafs Prospect Empty
MessageSujet: Leafs Prospect   Leafs Prospect Icon_minitimeMer 15 Fév - 18:17

Name Po Tea Ag Salary Ctr SH PL ST CH PO HI SK EN PE FA LE St OF DF OA
----------------------- -- --- -- --------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Jerry D'Amigo R Leafs Prospect 3390406315 20 900000* 4 D C- C- D D D B- C- C D D C- D D C-
Josh Nicholls R Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 525000* 0 D D D C- C- D C- D C C- D D D D C-
Kenny Ryan R Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 900000 4 D C- C- C- C- C- C D C C- D C- C- C- C-
Greg McKegg C Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 900000* 4 C C- C D D D C- D B- C- D D C D C-
Sam Carrick C Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 525000* 0 D D D D D C- C- D C- C- D D D D C-
Konstantin Volkov C Leafs Prospect 3390406315 26 525000* 0 D D D D D D C C- C C- D C- D D C-
Leo Komarov C Leafs Prospect 3390406315 24 600000* 0 F D- D- D D D C- D D C- D C- D- D D
Tony Cameranesi C Leafs Prospect 1775469399 17 525000* 0 D D D D D D- C D B- D D D- D D C-
Andrew Crescenzi C Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 580555* 4 D D D C- D C- D D C- C- D C- D C- C-
Daniel Brodin L Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 525000* 0 D D D C- C- C- C- D B- D D D D C- C-
Sondre Olden L Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 525000* 0 D C- C- D D D C- D B- D D D D D C-
Jamie Devane L Leafs Prospect 3390406315 20 701111* 4 D- F D- D D- C D D F D D C- D- D D
Josh Leivo L Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 600000* 0 D D D C- C- C- C D C C- D D D C- C-
Brad Ross L Leafs Prospect 1775469399 19 600000* 0 D C- D C- D C- C C- D- C- D C- D C- C-
David Broll L Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 622500* 4 D D D C- D C C- D D C- D C D C- C-
Jesse Blacker D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 20 870000* 4 C- C- C- D D D C C- C D D C- C- D C-
Max Everson D Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 525000* 0 D- D D D C- D C D C- D D D D D C-
Maxim Semenov D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 27 525000* 0 D D D D D D C- C- C D D D D D C-
Petter Granberg D Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 525000* 0 F D D- C- C- C- C- D C D D C- D- C- C-
Stuart Percy D Leafs Prospect 1775469399 18 850000* 0 D C- D C C C C- D C D D D D C C-
Eric Knodel D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 21 525000 0 D- D- D- D D D D D C D D C- D- D C-
Andrew MacWilliam D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 21 525000* 0 F F F D D C- D D D- D D C- F D D
Tom Nilsson D Leafs Prospect 1775469399 17 525000* 0 D- D- D- D D C- C- D C D D D D- D C-
Dmitri Vorobiev D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 25 525000* 0 C- C- D D C- C- C- C- C D D C C- C- C-
Dennis Robertson D Leafs Prospect 3390406315 20 525000* 0 D D D D D D C- D C D D C- D D C-
Grant Rollheiser G Leafs Prospect 3390406315 21 525000 0 D D D- D D D- C- D B- D- D D D- D C-
Mark Owuya G Leafs Prospect 3390406315 21 900000* 3 D D D D D D C- C- C D C- D D D C-
Garret Sparks G Leafs Prospect 1775469399 17 525000* 0 D D D- D D D D D B- D- D C- D D C-
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